Pilgrim in the age of mystery.
Poems & Essays
- My writing
- Fleeting thoughts
- My photographs
Project Noesis
- Thoughts on work
I am in search of the numinous. I wander. The tragedy with wanderers is that we are homesick. Always. Longing for a home we have never known.
I am a pilgrim. A pilgrim without progress. A pilgrim without shrine. I beg for alms on the way. But I find the gates are always closed. Then I wail and prostrate outside.
I am a poet, a photographer, a naturalist, and an essayist.
I write about philosophy, education, literature, and art. I don't see any of these as separate from each other.
I am drawn to the mystical, the weird, the surreal; for their beauty and their tragedy.
My book of poetry and photographs: Noema - Spaces of Refuge
Email: mohitkhodidas[at]gmail[dot]com